Gayatri Kanhere
Dear "13-year old" Me,
Let me start off by telling you that your life has just begun. There is much more in this world that you are yet to experience and explore. There is lot more to discover about yourself and about others. You might feel like you have gone through many struggles but let me tell you this is just the beginning. From here on the struggles will only get bigger and you will eventually become stronger. Right now you might feel like the world revolves around you but you're only a tiny speck in this world and don't give your problems more importance than they deserve and let not the small challenges in life affect you. Instead stay strong and always remember this too shall pass.
I wish I could just give you a hug and reassure you that everything you're worrying about now is going to be so insignificant at some point. High school is a place for you to learn and grow. It is the perfect opportunity for you to try new things because that is the age when you have nothing to lose but only to gain. This is the best and the worst time of your life. Make the most of it.. This is a time in your life where in you are undergoing changes physically as well as mentally. This is the peak of your hormones and when you'll be hitting puberty and becoming a better version of yourself, almost like a metamorphosis. It might feel like these changes are unwelcoming and strange but the truth is everybody in the world goes through puberty and it is only normal. This is the time when your decisions and actions will be affected by your emotions and thus impulsivity would be at its peak. In these times you might feel the urge to rebel against elders but the piece of advice I would like to give here is don't rebel too much, be open minded and hear out what your parents have to say, their experience and wisdom will only help you. Be patient with yourself and with others. Everything doesn't happen in one day. Rome wasn't built in a day. A little progress everyday adds up to big results. So even the smallest action in the right direction counts.
Sometimes you won't get what you wanted or what you asked for but you will have to learn to deal with it. Everything doesn't always happen the way you've planned it. This is life my girl. Unpredictable and uncertain. Don't be sad if you don't get what you wanted. Maybe there is something better in store for you. There is always another chance , another opportunity waiting out there, waiting for you to grab it.
Remember the world is full of different people. You might think that everyone should like you. But that is not the case, everyone is not going to like you and that is the truth. The sooner you accept this in life the better. Sure you will find decent people everywhere you go. Learn to deal with the ones who don't like you, sometimes their hate is no one's fault, it is just the situation that makes them feel this way about you. Ignore them and focus on the true friendships that you've made.
Your future is bright little sister. You have everything it takes to achieve what you want. All you need to do is tap into your inner self and realise your true potential. Your hardwork and determination will take you places. Remember it's okay to not do well in a few exams, it's okay to skip a few classes, it's okay to spend some time alone. Your mental health is more important than anything else happening around you. Enjoy the time you get to spend with your family. Spend as much time as you can with your grandmother. Make memories with your siblings and cousins. Go on holidays and trips. Have fun!
Honestly forget about the time when that girl
in your class looked at you snarkily and made you feel uncomfortable about
yourself. People are going to judge you. They will pass comments about your
looks. Be confident in who you are. Be yourself. I know it's easy to say this
but try not to fit in. Don’t pretend to like things you don't. That is not
Be different and be unique. Embrace your qualities and your flaws. Love the person you are. Don't shy away from transforming yourself for the better if you want to but don't change yourself for someone else, trust me it's not worth it.
Live your life to the fullest. This is your chance. These years are never going to come back. Your teens are meant for you to do crazy things. Don't hold yourself back. Live in the moment and enjoy these years. The memories you’re making now are going to be precious to you at some point , for all kinds of reasons. Some because they star people you're keen on, or loved once but will never revisit. Some because they show you how far you’ve come. Others simply because they epitomise being 13 and clueless.
Choose your friends wisely because your
friends will be integral in shaping the person you become. I could tell you to
stay away from certain people now, but the role they play in your life will
actually be very important, so go ahead and love them. Embrace the bad with the
good. You might as well, because there’s nothing else you can do. Some of the stuff that felt like it was going
to make your head explode, you won’t even remember in a few years. The rest
will seem hilarious, or even insignificant in it's innocence. Before I end, you
should know that you will be okay and you will turn into an amazing person.
Shine on sweet pea!
"19-year old" Me.
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