Monday, August 16, 2021

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Rashi Bhinde

Dear 13-year old me,

We’ve learned a lot over the past six years, and realizing that not everybody who is promising to you right now is going to be with you.  Right now, you’ll probably think you’ve got things sorted out – as all thirteen-year-olds do. When you grow up you’ll barely remember being 13, and the things that are taking over your life right now will barely matter. Arguments with friends might seem like the end of the world right now, but then, you’ll realize that it was all for the best.

I want you to know that if someone detaches or leaves, it is NOT your fault. All you can do is be there when they need you but still if they want to leave, it is their choice and not your fault. You need not give multiple chances to people with whom you share a history.

There are so many surprises on your way, some are extremely delightful and some can be extremely traumatizing. All you need to know is, It will all be okay! You will get through it.

Your heart will be broken multiple times by immature, nonsensical friends. But you, my darling will get through it all.

Try and be healthy. It will be a huge task to develop motivation to work out later. Don’t skip out on family dinners. I know that your phone may buzz in the middle of your conversation at the dinner table, but wait ten more minutes to check your phone. Ask your parents how their day was instead.

I know that you might think the world is over when someone doesn’t like you back, but there will always be this one man who will always love you no matter what and that is dad and please give him more of your time. Soon you will realize that you don’t need to have a special somebody to be successful. Spend time figuring yourself out first. Grow as a person and discover who you are. Then eventually you will be ready to share your life with someone who can help you grow even more.

Balance in life matters the most. There are many wonderful opportunities that are likely to come your way.  Experience them all. Take those risks but not at the same time. Keep balance in your life so that there is always time for family, friends, self, work and play. You need all of them. At different times, different ones will take precedence, but there is never a time when you shouldn’t strive to have a little bit of all of them in your life.

In my humble opinion, you are going through some of the tougher parts of life around now.  There are a lot of decisions that you don’t get to make for yourself. You do get to decide how you’re going to respond to what life demands though. Choose to make the most of your time and make it the best experience it can be.  And when a situation seems intolerable, ask yourself whether it will still matter in a day or a week. That often helps you gain a good perspective.

But, I truly believe that life gets better as you get older. You will have more freedom to make choices about how you spend your time and energy. That’s why it’s important to choose to add positive experiences and people to your life. If your life isn’t all that you wish it were, then you have the power to change it. Never forget that.

Be Kind. That’s just a good one to keep in mind. It is never the wrong decision to treat someone with kindness. It never backfires or leads you astray. So that’s just basic good advice. When you’re stuck and not sure how to respond to someone, choose kindness.

So yeah, Have Courage and Be Kind. Remember, Everything will eventually fall into place.

19 year old me

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Shilpa Shenoy

Dear 13 year old Shilpa,

How are you doing? I know your school life is quite hectic. You study hard. Most of the time, the only thing you do is study. You are a bright student. But please do take out a good amount of time for yourself. Self-love is not just confined to be done during vacations. At Least on Sundays please take out a little ‘Me Time’ for yourself. Just pursue some hobby. Read fiction books that you always wanted to read. Just dance your heart out. Watch your favourite show. Just follow your heart’s calling.

You think differently I know as compared to teens of your age. You are an old school person in a modern world I understand. But don’t expect others to think the same way you do. Everyone’s different.  Accept the fact and move ahead. I understand that you get hurt when people say or do mean things to you. But don’t be mean to them just because they are. Don’t fall down to their level. Sprinkle kindness wherever you go. You can’t change the way others behave but you can definitely change your behaviour towards them.

No one is perfect, Shilpa. And I mean it, literally NO ONE. Try to understand that. You are not perfect either. It’s fine if you lose in competitions sometimes. It’s perfectly fine if you forget your speech on stage sometimes. You are human too. It happens sometimes even if you are well prepared. Please don’t lose your self-confidence. Take the setbacks as a challenge and rise up from all your fears. Afterall, ‘Failures are the stepping stones towards success.’

Please Shilpa, stop taking stress over petty issues. Please stop thinking how others will make fun of you if you wear spectacles. Another person’s rude behaviour towards you shouldn’t bother you. Same applies to you too. Don’t judge anyone by their physical appearance. Someone rightly said ‘Never judge a book by its cover.’ Life is too short to waste your time by taking stress. Life is just like ice-cream. Enjoy before it melts. These teen years are not going to come back again. Stop believing everything your mind says to you. Mind sometimes plays games. Don’t let your mind become your greatest enemy.  It’s ok if you don’t get a good night’s sleep during your school exams. It happens sometimes. Don’t worry. The more you worry, the more sleep deprived you will be. Do more smart work then hard work. Stop thinking about those people for whom you don’t matter at all. But appreciate the ones who are there for you always. Those who have accepted you with all your flaws with open arms are for keeps. Such people are gems.

Sometimes, you consider someone as your best friend and they end up cheating or hurting you. Don’t cry because of them. I know it has happened to you. I know that the girl you thought was your best friend cheated on you. I also know that you overheard her talking out of jealousy with someone else that something bad should happen to your legs during the running race. So that you won’t be able to run and like always you won’t bag the first prize. I know it hurts. It breaks your heart. Maybe they don’t know what mistake they are committing. You are precious but sadly they don’t know your value. It’s their loss, Shilpa. Cut all contacts from such so- called friends. They don’t deserve you. You deserve better. Everything is God’s plan. Just think that God is making room in your life for some other friend. Just be grateful for everything. Look at the positive side in every situation. I know Shilpa that you are a little (not too little by the way) pessimistic person. But that is something you need to work on to change yourself.

Many opportunities are coming your way. Grab it before it’s too late. I know you have self- confidence issues but when someone is showing faith in you that you can do it, then respect their belief in you. You are so talented Shilpa that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

Your parents know you more than you know yourself. Listen to your parents. Whatever they say is always for your own good. Try to understand their point of view. Respect your sister. She is older than you. Give her the same amount of reverence as you give other elders.

Don’t try to change yourself for others. Don’t try to imitate someone else to impress anyone. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be the best version of yourself. You should try impressing yourself with your talent, your passion.

Last but not the least, love yourself.

With lots of love,
From your 19 year old version.


A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Gayatri Kanhere

Dear "13-year old" Me,

Let me start off by telling you that your life has just begun. There is much more in this world that you are yet to experience and explore. There is lot more to discover about yourself and about others. You might feel like you have gone through many struggles but let me tell you this is just the beginning. From here on the struggles will only get bigger and you will eventually become stronger. Right now you might feel like the world revolves around you but you're only a tiny speck in this world and don't give your problems more importance than they deserve and let not the small challenges in life affect you. Instead stay strong and always remember this too shall pass.

I wish I could just give you a hug and reassure you that everything you're worrying about now is going to be so insignificant at some point. High school is a place for you to learn and grow. It is the perfect opportunity for you to try new things because that is the age when you have nothing to lose but only to gain. This is the best and the worst time of your life. Make the most of it.. This is a time in your life where in you are undergoing changes physically as well as mentally. This is the peak of your hormones and when you'll be hitting puberty and becoming a better version of yourself, almost like a metamorphosis. It might feel like these changes are unwelcoming and strange but the truth is everybody in the world goes through puberty and it is only normal. This is the time when your decisions and actions will be affected by your emotions and thus impulsivity would be at its peak. In these times you might feel the urge to rebel against elders but the piece of advice I would like to give here is don't rebel too much, be open minded and hear out what your parents have to say, their experience and wisdom will only help you. Be patient with yourself and with others. Everything doesn't happen in one day. Rome wasn't built in a day. A little progress everyday adds up to big results. So even the smallest action in the right direction counts.

 Sometimes you won't get what you wanted or what you asked for but you will have to learn to deal with it. Everything doesn't always happen the way you've planned it. This is life my girl. Unpredictable and uncertain. Don't be sad if you don't get what you wanted. Maybe there is something better in store for you. There is always another chance , another opportunity waiting out there,  waiting for you to grab it.

Remember the world is full of different people. You might think that everyone should like you. But that is not the case, everyone is not going to like you and that is the truth. The sooner you accept this in life the better. Sure you will find decent people everywhere you go. Learn to deal with the ones who don't like you, sometimes their hate  is no one's fault, it is just the situation that makes them feel this way about you. Ignore them and focus on the true friendships that you've made.

Your future is bright little sister. You have everything it takes to achieve what you want. All you need to do is tap into your inner self and realise your true potential.  Your hardwork and determination will take you places. Remember it's okay to not do well in a few exams, it's okay to skip a few classes, it's okay to spend some time alone. Your mental health is more important than anything else happening around you. Enjoy the time you get to spend with your family. Spend as much time as you can with your grandmother. Make memories with your siblings and cousins. Go on holidays and trips. Have fun! 

Honestly forget about the time when that girl in your class looked at you snarkily and made you feel uncomfortable about yourself. People are going to judge you. They will pass comments about your looks. Be confident in who you are. Be yourself. I know it's easy to say this but try not to fit in. Don’t pretend to like things you don't. That is not okay.

 Be different and be unique. Embrace your qualities and your flaws. Love the person you are.  Don't shy away from transforming yourself for the better if you want to but don't change yourself for someone else, trust me it's not worth it.

Live your life to the fullest. This is your chance. These years are never going to come back. Your teens are meant for you to do crazy things. Don't hold yourself back. Live in the moment and enjoy these years.  The memories you’re making now are going to be precious to you at some point , for all kinds of reasons. Some because they star people you're keen on, or loved once but will never revisit.  Some because they show you how far you’ve come. Others simply because they epitomise being 13 and clueless.

Choose your friends wisely because your friends will be integral in shaping the person you become. I could tell you to stay away from certain people now, but the role they play in your life will actually be very important, so go ahead and love them. Embrace the bad with the good. You might as well, because there’s nothing else you can do.  Some of the stuff that felt like it was going to make your head explode, you won’t even remember in a few years. The rest will seem hilarious, or even insignificant in it's innocence. Before I end, you should know that you will be okay and you will turn into an amazing person. Shine on sweet pea!

Yours Affectionately,
"19-year old" Me.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Archana Balakrishnan

Dear me,

Welcome to the exciting world of teenagers! Sending virtual hugs to you. Another day went by and you didn’t realize how fast it zoomed past you, didn't it? I want you to pause for a minute. Breathe into the smell of the new day, and smile.

How have you been?  It’s okay to say you are not fine. Those little worries of yours shall pass too.

Why did you have to pressurize yourself so much?  The world won’t end if you get a mark less in your weekly test. No, your marks aren’t everything. Few years down the line you aren’t even going to remember these marks. The triumph of defeating the brightest student in class doesn’t even last for a second. Instead bask in the success of your efforts bearing fruits. You are allowed to make mistakes and fall sometimes because you know how to get back up. You have the permission to free yourself from the ropes binding you and just feel how high you soar. Don’t just rely on the school system. Cultivate that beautiful mind of yours. I know you like to play by the rules but you can be yourself more if you break a rule or two. M/s Monitor you can go easy on your classmates sometimes, maybe there’s a probable boon companion seated among them.

No doubt books are your best friends but that girl seated next to you is just as much fun! You will finally find your partner in crime, your confidant. Yeah, she’s your four leaf clover. Hard to find and lucky to have.

I just fell in love with your implicit confidence and obstinacy. The way you stand on stage facing the entire school masking the tiniest bit of nervousness with a bold smile amazes me. Three cheers to your ability to filter out trashy comments.

But I’ll yell out to you once more ‘you are cool even if you don’t put on make-up, don’t dress up or aren’t into one direction.’ Go look into the mirror. Really look at yourself. Beyond the insecurities, beyond everything you think is disgraceful. You are beautiful.  Girls like you don’t happen often so don’t forget how rare you are…

The society was, has and will always be judgmental. People will question all the good things you do and believe in every bad without a second thought. Don’t let this dominate your precious life.

Engage in a hearty conversation with your family during dinner, your TV time can wait. They give you the roots to stand tall and strong. Taste your mom’s delicious and healthy food.  Your life is more than burgers and pizzas.  Your mom may be your best critic but she’s the strongest supporter you’ll find.

Don’t think too much about who you are supposed to be, you are still blooming. Do something you are not ready to do. Isn’t that how you grow?  But physically you stop growing this year, so it’s no use chugging in Complan.

Don’t lock your creative self in. Paint the world lost in your imaginations and let it live in the blank sheets of papers. Express yourself through dance, the hidden language of your soul. Every time you dance you turn into a better version of yourself. Take part in all those debates and elocutions, not to prove your confidence to others but to yourself.

I know how much of a homebody you are, but going out on a few nature trails is a must. You don’t want to regret not going out later on. That Manali trip with your friends after 12th is never going to happen unfortunately. It’s not because everyone backed out at the last moment. Should I give you a spoiler- it’s because of a country-wide lockdown. A terrible virus will be on the prowl! And the rest you figure out yourself.

Don’t let your big, fat ego eat you up and destroy relationships. Let your magnanimous heart skip that ‘e’ and let it ‘go’. Giving up is not in your blood, sweetheart. Even a flower can bloom in between the frozen cracks. No matter how high you fly, remember to stay humble.

Just as these happy times, you’ll have your fair share of pain. You will lose precious gems along the way, but you’ll enrich yourself with the treasure of memories they leave behind. You will grow stronger with each blow, however hard it might be it can never kill you.  Comparing yourself with others has become a daily routine. Your greed which you consider your weapon is also your doom. Just know that you are the best in your own universe. Be deaf to people who say you can’t do something.

Little dynamite, when you feel all alone and don’t know where to go, peep inside you. You are so much more than you know. You are a champion, a winner, a star drawn with the left hand. You possess the power to be anything you want to be. Don’t give into doubt. You shine the brightest when the sky is dark.  Chin up princess, no Tom, Dick or Harry can drag you down!

I love you.

Yours sincerely,
Your future self.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Navya Janardhanan

To my 13-year-old self,

You know that feeling of maturity you get as soon as your 13th birthday comes around? Yeah, that’s only going to last for all of 2 minutes. Then before you know it, you fall into an endless spiral of questioning all of your life decisions and binge-watching ‘Brooklyn Nine Nine’ all day. Your teenage years are just that – a series of existential crises. But lucky for you, you’ve got someone to guide you through it all. That’s right, you’ve got yourself! I thought that would sound all insightful and inspiring but that just sounds depressing. Maybe I should’ve framed it differently? Anyway, the idea remains the same. Nobody but you can make it better.

To start off, I would like for you to forget everything you’ve read and watched in teen books and movies because absolutely none of it is true. How ‘High School Musical’ ever became a hit will always remain a mystery to me. In real life, there’s no impromptu dancing or boisterous partying and there’s definitely no 25-year-olds passing off as teenagers (hint, hint). What you do have is an assortment of ever-fluctuating mood swings and never-ending responsibilities among other anxiety-ridden issues.

This will, very understandably, be overwhelming at times. Your emotions may start clouding your understanding, which, in turn, will make you feel like the solution you’ve reached at is far from the appropriate one. Here, the best tip I can give you is to always trust your judgement (it’s almost scary how accurate it is) and go ahead with what you think is the best course of action. You might just surprise yourself when things go better than what you had imagined.

Of course, things don’t always turn out the way you want them to and that is completely alright. An unpleasant experience may dampen your spirits, but it will always be an opportunity to get acquainted with and improve yourself. Learning from your mistakes and trying not to repeat them in future is an essential part of growing up. How do you think Naruto became the Seventh Hokage? (Yes, the future you is uncontrollably obsessed with anime.)

Speaking of improving yourself, you really need to stop thinking about others’ opinions. Do you really want to spend the rest of your one and only life trying to fit into others’ perceptions of perfection? No, no you don’t. The truth is, most of the time, people are too busy trying to straighten out their own lives to notice what’s going on in the lives of others. So it makes no sense to tailor your life around expectations which are not even worthy of being fulfilled.

This is quite an earth-shattering revelation for someone who has spent their entire life trying to please others. It will be particularly difficult for you to overcome this mind-set and put your own needs before anybody else’s. I have three words to guide you through this journey – do your research. Figure out your likes and dislikes, what you’re good at and where you could do better, your goals, objectives, morals and anything else you feel is relevant to understand yourself better.

Evidently, this is not a short-term process and it will take years for you to obtain concrete answers to these questions. However, once you do establish these answers, you will know what kind of a person you currently are and what kind of a person you would like to be in future. Accordingly, you will find yourself altering parts of your life to fit into your definitions of perfection rather than someone else’s. Voila! You just created the new and improved version of yourself.

As important as soul searching and finding a new you is, it’s equally important to stay true to your roots. Always be grateful to your family, friends and anybody else who has stayed by your side through thick and thin. At the same time, learn to identify the toxic people in your life and cut them off as soon as possible. Try not to give up on any of your extracurricular activities, because they’re the only thing that will keep you from crossing over the line separating sanity from insanity in your extremely academically focused future.

I cannot deny that there are a lot of hardships awaiting you in the future, but I can confidently say that they are balanced out by countless moments of euphoria and the amazing people making them so. You are truly blessed to have been raised in such an uplifting and supportive environment. I hope you will learn to appreciate everything you have been given and be happy with what you have.

To conclude, I would like to quote one of the wisest people I know, Michael Scott: “And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.” But I’m sure we’ll figure it out along the way. I hope this helps, but I’m going to be proud of you no matter what.

Yours sincerely,
Your future self.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Nidhi Paradkar

Hi Nidhi,

It’s me! As in you… me and you are the same! Hey don’t get anxious (which I know you get very easily, and will continue to be like that for years together) I am your 19 year old self speaking. Relax, don’t overthink this, think of this letter from an elder sister which I know you are in dire need of. I can say that when you read this letter, you will feel like it is from a totally different person rather than your future self, because I am very different from what I used to be. I can’t predict whether this will make you happy or sad, but since I know and still recall you in and out, I think you will be more than happy.

Aren’t you really pleased that you have finally become a teenager! That one particular birthday you were eagerly waiting for so that you could start your teens! You will be wondering by now why my future self is so eager to talk to me! Well I am not going to play the role of a future teller or anything. I am just here to tell you some things I sometimes wish my 13 year old self knew. Like I said, imagine that this letter is from an elder sister, because I know you find it hard to take some advice from people. So here goes… 

First of all, please understand that there is a huge difference between loving yourself and being a narcissist. Therefore, please don’t act careless and become rebellious in the name of loving yourself. The entire idea of loving yourself is being content from within and also sharing love and affection with others.  So please don’t do anything meaningless and shield yourself with self love. You will spend your days feeling upset about a lot of things. Believe me a few years down the line you will laugh at the same things. Most importantly, please look out for yourself. You think the bullying will stop after sometime, you can act like you don’t care what people say about you, you think all you need is yourself and you don’t need people to make you happy, and you probably think you know everything like every other budding teen. Trust me, you may surely regret these things. If you don’t take care of yourself and let people say wrong things about you, it will stop happening eventually but it won’t stop triggering you for years to come.  Those people that you are failing to become friends with and failing to accept the affection of, are the same people you are going to wish you had beside you in tough times. So please let people in and trust them. Help them and let them help you.

Once a teenager begins you outgrow a lot of things. Those things which used to make you laugh as a child are not going to lighten up your mood. You will be so busy with other things that you will miss the sight of those swings, those slides passing you by on the road, where you used to play as a child. Believe me you are going to start missing those times when you were a little kid. Take time off for yourself and revisit them. Those pepsi colas you used to eat in childhood are going to remind you of those summer vacations you had when you were a small kid. Go to parks and watch other kids playing. Maybe you would meet the kid version within you again. Spend some time remembering those carefree days.

Now that you are growing up, everyone around you is going to ask you what is your dream? What are your aspirations? I know you don’t have one right now. You want to do something huge but you don’t know what, don’t know how. All you have is a small spark within you. It is completely okay. Many people don’t know where they are going. You are just an ounce of what the world holds within itself. There are many things to learn, many things to try, many things to study and many places to go to learn what your dreams are. Unless you don’t find where you belong you don’t get to meet your true self, the actual version of you which lives somewhere inside you and hasn’t yet found a door to come out and express itself. Have patience and keep going. Sometimes it takes time to find your place, your world.

Teenagers may suck sometimes. You may feel lost, you may question why you are where you are and you will always compare your life with someone else’s. You will eagerly wait for a world where you will truly find yourself. Well don’t worry and just be firm. There will be a time when you are going to be exactly in a place where you want to be, you are going to meet various people like you and finally going to be where you belong. And despite all this, you are going to miss this time that you are in now. So enjoy these years, dream to be a better version of you, understand it is okay to make mistakes and always try to do your best for later you are going to turn into a girl with dreams in her eyes, with fire in her soul and expectations from herself. And while she will embark on her journey, she will always remember you, the naïve and nervous you who knew so little but had a dream somewhere in her to make something of herself! And when she becomes what she aspires to be, she will picture you in her mind and give you a smile, for you taught her what she deserves and those little sparks should be turned into lights!

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Ketaki Salokhe

Dear me,

I have recently turned 18 and I know it’s not been a coon’s age but I genuinely hope I could’ve a time machine to just come back and share with you some words of advice. So here I am writing to you from the hellacious year of 2021…the year of nature’s revenge to human beings!!

To start with, it's needless to say that you are the best version of yourself and the purest gem anyone could ever find. But why don’t you start loving yourself a little more as compared to the compassion you shower on others? And What about you being a people pleaser? Is it going to do any wonders? Moreover you shouldn’t let anyone’s opinion define you and it's never too late to change yourself. Just start having faith in yourself. If your flaws aren’t taking a toll on you…accept them wholeheartedly. It's completely okay, nobody is perfect over here! Although you are still a kid, you need to discern the fact that you can’t make everyone happy by hurting yourself.

Moving further let me remind you to cherish each and every moment for now and enjoy these years to the fullest. I really believe that these are the years when you should do everything that you love. Because at the end what matters is not to add years to your life but to add life to your years! Being confident and practical is going to be extremely constructive for the coming years and start believing in your dreams unreservedly. As Theodore Roosevelt says “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Anyways there will be challenging times too when you will see the worst part of yourself but rather than breaking down you need to get yourself together. As you know, there is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly endures. However, just don’t let your self-doubt act as a hindrance to your happiness. As they say “We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails.” Also many people will come, many will go but this is life all about. After all, you have to let people go. Everyone who is in your life is meant to be in your journey, but not all of them are meant to stay till the end! But trust me there are other few very amazing souls who are going to be with you forever. They will not only make you feel loved but also would be the best companions you would ever have. They will stay true to the fact that a friend in the market is worth more than money in the bank!

However the journey of yours from being an introvert to turning into extrovert has been magnificent and I am so incredibly proud of you. Nevertheless even today it does stand true that difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.  Last but not the least the game changer for all the challenging situations is going to be your utter belief in the saying that “Everyday may not be good but there is something good in every day.

And now to your surprise; your grown up self is still practicing the art of poetry which was however discovered and treasured by this young Ketaki. No doubt the credit goes to you for this, after all it’s one of those constant things  that we have even today and for all the coming years!

Be yourself !
However you are always be true,
Whatever you like just do.
With your own rules live your life,
Don’t just make it a routine alike.
Many people will say you fake,
But don’t allow your heart to break.
Have your own opinions and express it too; Only a few might find it true.
To be real is an easy task,
So don’t live with a surreal mask.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Sarika Patil

Dear me,

Your life has not even begun yet. Everything will get a lot better, I promise. It will be okay.

I wish I could just give you a hug and reassure you. I don’t want to spoil anything, but just know that everything you are worrying about now will be so insignificant one day.

High school will not be the best years of your life. Actually, high school will be a bit uneasy. The best memories you made there are the ones you made when you were skipping class.

You will get everything you ever wanted. You will get good exam results, travel, go to a prestigious university, and live in a cool flat with all your new friends.

You will find decent people everywhere you go, so don’t be scared about leaving home. You will meet people who are just your people and have incredible friendships with them.

You’re a lucky girl.

At thirteen, you’re just entering a new chapter. Writing to you from 19, I wouldn’t do it again. Well, not the next few years, anyway. They’re going to be a Hugo Boss Femme scented blur of puking in the work toilets, being in trouble, and sneaking around after the last bus with people you don’t even like.

In the grand scheme of things, the fact that girl may or may not have made a bitchy comment about you in passing will not matter. Seriously, forget about it.

When you’re 20 you will be living and she will be living in the arise-end of nowhere with three kids and no idea how she ended up there or where she’s going. That’s her path, let her take it. You won’t know where you’re going either, but in an exciting way.

If you peak in high school, it’s all down hill from there. Your time will come. When you’re 22 you will have a cracking figure and people will like you for it, but that’s a ridiculous thing to feel smug about so don’t let it get to your head. That’s all they’ll like you for.

And by the way, 22isn’t old. And neither is 24. In fact, you’ll probably never feel like a proper adult.

Stop wishing your life away. The memories you’re making now will be precious to you one day, for all sorts of reasons. Some because they star people you love, or loved once but will never get back. Some because they show you how far you’ve come. Others just because they epitomize being 13 and clueless.

Eating copious amounts of nutmeg won’t get you high. Sleeping in the supermarket car park instead of your warm bed is never going to be a good idea.

Don’t wind that brush around your hair; it will get stuck and you will have a terrible haircut for months.

Stop wearing baggy black clothes – you’re a 13 year old school girl, not a depressed extra from The Craft. Actually, go ahead and wear whatever you feel like wearing. The cringe-inducing pictures will show you how much you’ve grown one day.

Maybe have a little think about some things before you do them though.

You are ridiculously narrow minded right now, and your understanding of the world will be blown wide open, thank God. The person you become will surprise you. You may be disappointed about some things, but those things are unavoidable, in shaping the bits that you would be proud of.

I hope I haven’t let you down. Maybe I have compromised some of those headstrong beliefs you prided yourself on, but it was necessary, honest. In hindsight, most of your beliefs were really really naive.

Actually, here’s a list of things you will learn at 21. Only I don’t really want you to read it yet because you’re not ready to hear it.

Stop making things hard for yourself. Seriously.

Take up some kind of sport. Your metabolism will catch up with you when you’re 20 and your interests include gorging yourself, sitting down, and cider.

Your hair will never behave and you will never have high cheekbones. Sorry.

Don’t be so rude to your teachers, when you’ve left school and become their equal.

I know this is difficult because you don’t even know who you are, but always be yourself. It will just be embarrassing if you try to be someone else. Don’t pretend to like things you think are not right. That is not the definition of cool.

I can’t tell you what happens after university, because I’m yet to find out myself. I promise it will be good though. Yes, you will be 21 and still won’t know what you want to be when you grow up.

Your friends will be integral in shaping the person you become, so be aware of that when choosing who to surround yourself with.

I could tell you to stay away from certain people now, but the role they play in your life will actually be very important, so go ahead. Love them and laugh with them and devote yourself to them wholeheartedly and blindly.

You will be hurt but you need to be. Pain exists so we can endure it and grow as a result. It’s going to be pretty annoying sometimes, sorry.

Things will change, a lot. Embrace the bad with the good. You might as well, because there’s nothing else you can do. Keep taking photographs and writing everything down in your diary. Some of the stuff that felt like it was going to make your head explode, you won’t even remember in a few years. The rest will seem hilarious, or poignant in its naiveté and innocence.

Above all, you’ll be okay.


A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Sharvari Bendre

Dear 13 year old me,

Hey! This is a 19 year old you. How are you, dear? I know you must be sitting in the school. Probably alone and sad. I know you must be bored in the lectures. But don’t talk too much with your partner. Your teacher is going to change your place. Or did she change it already?

Well I am fine. Yes you heard right. Your future is going to be bright. I know this letter is your only hope. So don’t give up. I am happier than ever. I know you got mood swings. I know you cry when no one's watching. I know you decided to give up on everything and probably I am the only one that knows. That would feel sad. But no! That’s actually great. No one knows that you are weak. You are going to face many challenges and tensions are on your way. But please don’t give up.

Oh! So now you think everything would be fine at my age? No! Life is still messed up. People still underestimate you. You still feel lonely even when you are with a bunch of people. You still struggle to make people proud. You still feel sad and  depressed. Everything is still the same. Nothing’s changed except you!

You became stronger! Emotionally, Mentally, Physically! You stopped caring for people who underestimated you. You started believing alone is power. The only people you struggle to make proud is you. Yes, you are sad and depressed but now you don’t blame yourself for that. You take your stand now and as I mentioned you became physically strong! So now even if you get into physical fight with anyone, you have guts to handle them as well and this power is not because you exercise because lol! You don’t. This power that made you stronger than ever didn’t come to you. It was there in you. You’ll learn this the long way champ. But you will, one day! And that day, you would be happy, smiling even in the pain.

The people you think you need right now are not at all important. The only person you need is you! The people you rely on are not at all reliable. I know you are making promises with your school friends to always be together. Even after school ends! But now you don’t have many friends. You got a few good friends and that’s enough. You know even they won’t be there after college. But now you aren’t afraid of being on your own.

I would have advised you to not get attached to people. But instead I would say to get attached and get hurt. Because that’s life. My only advice is- ‘Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.’

So head up girl. Cherish your life. Make every moment count and please study for you because people only care for the marks but marks don’t matter. You are not recognized for how much percentage you got. You are recognized for how much smartness you have and you have plenty to survive. The people who are underestimating you and the people who are bullying you right now are very very far from you. Most of them haven’t even reached your level. So don’t you worry at all.

Last but not the least! Your happiness is entirely depended on you. No one makes you happy or sad. It is you who choose to be happy or sad. It is you who decide and fix things. It is you who knows everything at it’s best. I know it’s a lot of you in this letter. But that’s life. It’s always about you and how you see things and how you make things happen. Whatever is bothering you right now are the things which your future you don’t even remember. So, you are going to figure out just like you always have

I know no one is believing in you right now. Even you don’t believe in yourself. But I believe in you and I am thankful to you for making me who I am today. I really feel proud of you because I know you won’t give up.

Yours loving,
Future you.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Kenisha Birwadkar

Dear 13 year old Kenisha, wishing you a very happy birthday. I am five years in the future, so I am assuring you that your year ahead is all set to be incredible and fun. I know that you are very excited about this day. You are now, officially, a teenager. I know that you are looking gorgeous in that dress with red flowers and white shoes. Your friends in school would have devoured the pasta that you carried to school for your birthday. Ranjita Teacher would have made you feel exceedingly special throughout your day at school. Your day would be full of wishes and blessings from friends and family. But let me tell you one thing, by growing a year older, you need to grow more responsible. There are going to be many new experiences, many new friends and new perspectives to explore. You are just at the start of your teenage life, probably the first year as a teenager won't teach you much, but over a period of five years when you will be 18, you will learn and explore the unexplored, you will start expecting what is unexpected for you today. I am no different from you. I am only a slightly more mature version of you. As I am on the other side of this span of five years, I have a message for you.

Kenisha, you need to be in charge of your life and decisions. Even after five years when you will be 18, you won't be able to make big decisions without your parents, but the smaller ones can be made. Obviously, mummy and daddy will always be there to correct, guide and support you but you need to be the first one to think of whether you want to do something or not.

There is one more piece of advice for you. Start pondering upon where you see yourself in the future. This idea will enable you to choose your career. Though you have streamlined your thoughts on business and commerce, it will be a cherry on top if you surf the internet to know more about the top commerce colleges and the potential careers present in the field of your choice.

Also, through the next few years, as you will be at the climax of your teenage life, you will face a lot of uncertainty and self-doubt. Mark my words, you are capable of conquering everything that you want. The minute you doubt your ability and potential, you are taking a step backwards. Don't pull yourself back, don't hesitate and never ask the question "Will I be able to do this?" Instead, reassure yourself that "I can and I will be able to do this." Don't give up on anything. Set a goal for yourself and work every day towards that target. There are bound to be some dull days but they will be followed by brighter ones. Keep yourself going through the lows and enjoy the highs. Give your best every time and don't contemplate the result or the outcome. When you are consistent, determined, confident and enjoying the process you will surely achieve your goals. Also, don't compare your life to someone else's. Bear in mind always, that you are unique.

There is one more piece of advice for you dear. Spend as much time as you can with Mamma (your grandmother). Make the last 8 months that she has had with you, dad and mom very special. Just keep her happy by providing her with all that she wants. She is going to be hale and hearty until her last few weeks. She will continue making lemon water, sandwiches and that lovely chicken soup for you till the very end. Just live the moments because trust me, you will miss every bit of it when she is no more.

Now, it is time for me to go. I can't reveal every moment of your future. There needs to be some suspense, isn't it? Let me promise you that your future holds a lot of surprises that will unfurl at the appropriate time. Grab every opportunity that knocks at your door. Keep believing in yourself and giving your 100% in every task that you have taken up and everything will be alright. Start a new day with a broad smile and never let your optimism die down. Let me remind you that you are surrounded by the best bunch of people at home and school. You are eagerly waiting to go to college but school life, in which you are, will always be a paradise. College life has its own fun and frolic. One more thing before I sign off, colleges in movies contrast reality. 'Student of the year' is an exaggerated version of college. In reality, the college will be all about new friends, experiences and mischief. There are going to be plenty of fests and events in college which will shape your character and build your personality. Keep pushing your limits, little girl; the sky's the limit. Wishing you a spectacular birthday and an even dynamic life ahead.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Svara Shah

Hey gorgeous,

I know it might be hard to adjust to the changes that you are facing but make sure that you are yourself. What matters the most is the beauty that lies inside and not the outer appearance. You really are a strong and confident person. Everything will eventually turn out well. The worries you have about the future will seem as small as an atom one day.

You might have faced a lot of downs in your past but make sure that you never let the high-speed, frantic and thrilling roller coaster experience let you down. You are the best and you will achieve the success you deserve in the future because of the hard work, commitment and dedication shown by you. Even though it might seem that getting good marks is the most important task, working on yourself is equally important. Don’t overwork yourself. Getting yourself in the correct emotional state is very important. The changes that you are facing might make you uncomfortable or irritable, but gradually you will turn into a very confident, dedicated, strong and pretty lady.

You might have received a lot of criticism but always repeat the positive affirmation to yourself every single day - “You can do it. You are strong. You are powerful”.

You are lucky! You yourself are a good fortune.

Writing to you from 16, I feel a sense of humour and pride when I write down the experiences you have gone through in life. I am really proud of you. Just a warning “Prepare well for your mathematics exam otherwise you won’t be able to achieve the target.” Just a little suggestion, don’t undermine yourself at any stage of life. You are not a crybaby, it’s just that you get emotional very soon. You definitely will change once you go through the “teen” stage. “Thirteen” really looks like a very big number and it is considered to be an unlucky number for “some.” It won't be for you. Every day will bring lots of stress, criticism and pressure. Just remember to take a deep breath and focus on your long term goals.

Making friends might seem a really big task as of now but trust me, you would end up being the most social person with millions of friends across the world. Just a reminder “Keep reading newspapers and books to improve your skills. It will really be beneficial.” BE YOU. The world will completely change once you cross this stage. Let the fear take backstage and let fierceness take the front seat. Always ask fear to join your wonderful ride but never let it control the steering wheel.

You have lost your near and dear ones in the past and it is very difficult to accept the fact. I understand. Crying might sound like the best solution but you will have to accept the fact eventually. Anyways, make sure that you eat and stay healthy as the prediction of your future is sounding a little dull regarding your health. I know I am sounding like an astrologer but this is somewhat correct.

Stop wishing for something very ideal and hypothetical. The memories that you are making right now are truly precious like a diamond. Enjoy it to the fullest.

Also, a reminder, start taking impressive photos so that you can set them as your DP in the future because I don't have any. Wear whatever you want and whatever you are comfortable in.

Just don't forget to keep that smile on.

Let me tell you one little secret. Shh! Don’t reveal it to anyone. It should be between me and you. Promise? Alright! You will be the leader and captain of your life. You will become one of the witches who can control and lead her life as she wants with her magic wand. Just like Harry Potter.

Use time efficiently and effectively. Keep up the good work and always help the needy. Go, get some rest, drink a cup of coffee and fly high in your magical world. Be mentally creative and shine brighter. Rule the world!

Lots of Love

Ps: Just for your information, the digital world is going to knock off all the dreams of entering your college. So, don’t be upset.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Riddhi Shah

13 is a very exciting age for people, you have just stepped into a new chapter of your life, the teenage phase. It’s when you start understanding the world around you. The only advice I would most like to give my 13-year-old self is to be happy and be patient, don’t wish it all away. To live every single moment of life and savour it because it won’t ever come again.

Not all the things will go according to your plans but trust me it will be much better than you anticipated. Keep playing your bass guitar and Super NES, read all the editions of Wimpy Kid and Geronimo Stilton while listening to Nirvana. Make your bucket list super fun, include things such as riding the craziest roller coaster, exploring the world, stargazing all night, going for treks, skydiving, scuba diving and try your best to accomplish it. Life will be so much fun, you can never imagine. And a very important note, don’t wind that brush around your hair, it will get stuck and you will have a terrible haircut for months.

Be less stressed about the details and trust yourself more. There will be hundreds of people who will bring you down, pay no heed to them. Hold your head up high always because you are like pure gold. Also, remember what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Don’t compare yourself to others. You are different and special in your own way and that’s your superpower. Everything you are worrying about now will be insignificant one day.

This world is full of people who won’t let off a single chance to comment on how you look or body shame you. My advice to that is to take it in the most positive way plausible, build yourself up to the girl they never thought you could be. You don’t have to be 5’8 and slim or light-eyed to be beautiful. Don’t fall for the unrealistic beauty standards that this world has set for men and women. Life is too short to hate on your body, the body which is going to be with you for the rest of your life. Love it, care for it, nurture it. You just have to be yourself, that’s ENOUGH, that’s BEAUTIFUL. Look at yourself in the mirror every day and smile and tell yourself that you are beautiful cause beauty comes from within you and nobody can take that away from you. So be confident of the body, the looks, the hair, the skin that you have and be grateful for all that you have got.

Choose your friends wisely. Tread carefully while befriending people. Be with people who will lift you, who radiate positivity into your life. These friendships are really built to last. You will also get into arguments with some friends which might seem like the end of the world right now, but in some years you will realise that it was all for the best.

Live the warmth, tenderness and preciseness you naturally are. You are embarking on a journey of becoming a woman and that is the most important relationship to consider. No push, no imposition, a loving approach on all levels with no perfection but an open heart is all that is needed. In some years you will get stronger than you ever realised, and you’ll look back at being thirteen with a laugh creeping across your face as well as a substantial dose of second-hand embarrassment because you were a bit zany at thirteen.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Dhananjay Thakur

Dear David,

Yes! I know that is not your name; pardon me, I'm calling a spade, a spade outright in the beginning, but that's how you have always been. What you are, I was! It is so consuming that I get to advise my younger self - a little more annoying, more arrogant, and more naive than me. So that's the only difference between the two of us, or so I'd like to believe!

"David" has been your best friend in every letter in the English paper instead of your actual friend! Indeed, I understand you reject cringy and ordinary things in life, but writing your best friends' name in that imaginary letter won't have taken him away. I know the anguish of someone leaving was the reason behind your actions. It was great prophylactic thinking on your part. But this cannot go on, can it? We are all hanging by a thread when it comes to trust. I think you should take a leap of faith and begin again in the case of friendships. I am sure you can befriend all the people that are out there in this universe. It was and will never be your style or approach to do things the people's way, by the "herd mentality". But at times doing things by the traditional methods and not looking at exceptions as success is the best approach. I agree exceptions in life feel good, actually great; it gives you your identity and distinguishes you from the crowd. It also has its consequences, of not belonging to a group or not leading an ordinary social life. It was and will be okay for you! Don't change your choices due to peer pressure.

I feel a sense of moral superiority now that I am advising my younger-self, not to be a people pleaser. It takes a great deal of courage to talk without flattery. I know you didn't mean to, though that's how you'd sound.

Yes, you have been made fun of a lot for your name, and you dealt with it in the best possible way. But this "flattery talking" is a grave problem to be addressed. Not only does it make you look meek but also artificial. It has been years now, but there's still some work left in that area.

They say that whatever went wrong is water under the bridge! Several instances were unpleasant in your early years but, you haven't let them go. They say holding a grudge is like a stone in your heart; what's said is said and, I think letting it go is the best remedy for it! I don't mean to criticize you, no point since it's the past; just that it's wise to analyze and learn from your mistakes! The riddance of the heavy burden you carry on your chest is a great relief, trust me! Now that I connect the dots, I find your response to the social challenges you faced, justified but they can't be the same as you mature. It sounds overwhelming, but we have to let go of the baggage because it slows us down. I usually enjoy advising people because it's tax-free, and people give you their full attention. Jokes apart, it sounds easy otherwise but, to appraise your past self doesn't feel easy. Advising would mean trying to correct your past self, thus proving your past choices wrong. I wish to live a life devoid of regrets and, criticizing my past self leads me nowhere away from it! Onward with this letter, I will highlight some of the things that I adore about you. And I'll make it quick in these 200 words that I have!

I admire that you looked at the concept of truthfulness objectively because it is a grey concept right now for me, unlike the black and white one for you! Life was simple then, 'Eat. Sleep. Study. Repeat.' Now the lines between true and false look blurred. As you mature, it will be tough but, please (and this is my only advice to you) support honesty because truth alone triumphs. And the times you don't, accept it, apologize and move on. It was futile to argue and coerce you to do things according to others; you always have had individuality and let that remain so - 'the OG'!

Don't be over the moon but, your language skills were impressive for your age, so don't be bogged down by a defeat or two. Perchance it would have been awe-inspiring had you read a few more books! (Sorry, this is the last piece of advice!!!).

It's incoherent to understand the past of someone without knowing where they are currently. I would choose you anytime over me if I were to choose between the two of us (okay, maybe not anytime!). Well, you get the gist: Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is the gift. That is why this is called the Present. Enjoy your days in school. They end quickly. And cheers to your glorious future (namely Me).

Yours honestly,
Your future-self.

A Letter to My 13-year old Self

Ananya Singh

Dear Ananya,

                      “All great changes are accompanied by chaos”- Anonymous. The truest statement ever made was this one. It will take time for you to fathom it completely but it will seep in with time. It will become the mantra by which you live on.  A statement that you often neglected and a statement that I now embrace with open arms. But it was necessary for you to be a certain way for me to become a certain way.

A mirror is the best friend and the best enemy of a person. It shows us everything that we need to see but we only see what we want to see. Puberty is an awkward phase for every growing girl and so was for you. The changes that occurred had left you flummoxed and challenged. Every look in the mirror was a jab at yourself. Why are you not pretty enough? Why are you short? When will the acne go away? When will you feel comfortable in your own body? What’s wrong with you? The answer to all these questions was a simple word. Nothing. Nothing was wrong with you, it was a phase of life that you had to go through to become what I am now. Someone who embraces herself flawlessly. It’s difficult some days but then I realize how unique my flaws are. How those flaws and little imperfections add to my personality, how they make me different from others and how they make me more me.

Anger is the devil. Yes, it is. Yours was no secret. It was visible and made you go crazy. The emotion overpowered you more often than not. It dug its claws in you when someone went against you, it made you furious when they didn’t listen to you. Made you despise everything around you. It was okay. As you grow, the anger will flee. The Ananya in retrospect now is much calmer and ambiguous. She understands things better now. So, you don’t have to worry about it. I have changed and grown a lot. I have embraced the good and left the devil holding me back and I have become free.

We, humans, are creatures of words and labels. Very few of us understand actions. We love labelling everything and everyone around. It's no doubt you were labelled too, quite loudly at that. Arrogant and egotistical. But you knew the truth. You were just anxious and instead of embracing your fallbacks and facing your fears, you chose being labelled to be a certain way because that hid your supposed flaws from others. Humans are creatures with fault but not as scary as you thought they were and you will understand it as time passes by. This Ananya now understands it. You won’t believe it, but she did face her fears. She embraced them rather. She understood her anxiety, there are still bouts of it but now people don’t scare her. She talks to them better now, smiles at them, cracks jokes and in all feels comfortable with it. Time will make it all better, fret not.

Friendship is a sacred bond between people. The only bond people choose and is not given by. There are no obligations and limitations in this field. I know a lot of people faked it with you, I know that you were hurt, frustrated and sad. Sad because you thought that no one wanted to be your friend. That there was possibly something wrong with it. There wasn’t. They were wrong for what they did, amateur growing teenagers who needed an outlet of their own. You were good. Still are. You will grow up to have great friends, amazing even. Those people will make you feel comfortable the way you are. Those who feel sad for your downfalls and gleeful for your accomplishments, who admire your courage and intellect and give you advice when things go wrong. Those who show you the right path when they know you might be going wrong. They will be amazing people. Your people.

Teenage years or more specifically years of puberty often make your relations with your parents fragile. You make impulsive decisions and they stop you from following through with those decisions because they have been through that phase and have ended up regretting them. It feels crowded and congested too. But you will understand them and their actions better later on. You will learn from them. Grow with them.

Developing one’s mentality towards worldly things is a long process. It includes everything like music, politics, spirituality and ideology. It comes slowly to everyone. As the world changes the people within it will change. They are bound to. These things keep changing over time. You are afraid of showcasing your opinion because you know people concentrate more on passing judgements than understanding the differences between one another and embracing them. Don’t let their words deter you. Expressing yourself is important, it will liberate one’s mind. This Ananya expresses herself and follows through with the plan. Nothing can stop you if you want to prove what you believe in desperately.

In conclusion, I would like to simply say that time will change everything and heal all wounds. You will grow, learn and laugh through everything. You might feel sad some days as they might not be as good as others but it will all be alright. Your belief in yourself will get you through the harshest of calamities and hold you through every strike of lightning. You will be the best of you, you still are. All I want to tell you is that you had to be this so I could be this.

Yours lovingly,

What makes Me feel White?

Tanisha Temghare

Colours! What exactly does someone think when asked about a particular colour? Does one relate themselves to the colour or do they relate to emotions, do they experience a feeling or do they think of a person? Colours can vary from person to person and time to time. At this moment; for me, colour is a feeling and that feeling is ‘white’.

When I close my eyes and think about how I am doing or what I am as a person, the first thought that comes to my mind is ‘minimalism’ and the beauty in simplicity, similar to the colour. Every part of my life’s journey has had a resemblance with something white; like being born during the summers similar to white daisies blooming during the same season that gives a feeling of new beginnings. My teenage years, parallel to vanilla ice cream; being someone who wouldn’t try anything out of the box and being really comfortable with the way they are. Even to this date, vanilla has been my ‘safe place’ to resort to. But as I grew older, I started relating to the white clouds because they gave me a sense of freedom and the ability to reassure myself by saying that ‘the sky is the limit.’ 

In everything little thing, I do, I imagine how if white was a person, it would've done the same thing. The feeling of being one of a kind comes in me as I see a pearl. I've always been an easy-going and approachable person and never had problems making friends or talking to strangers, just like white doesn’t have a problem mixing with the other colours; be it a colour darker or lighter than white, it has neither discriminated nor taken away the essence of the colour. White leaves its mark wherever it mixes and that’s how I feel I am as a person. And after having a great time with people, when my social battery drains, I am taken back to my ‘safe place’, to ‘peace’. On the darkest of the days, when it's impossible to emit my own light, I do not hesitate to take help from others, just like the moon takes help from the sun to shine. 

White is a part of all cultures; be it mourning for some, or the beginning of life’s new phase for others, it has been through all and has the same respect for all. However, at times white things catch dust easily, and as a human, I too go through times when everything becomes ‘dusty’. But with time and effort, the ‘cleanliness’ comes back and at the end of the day, that’s what matters! The fact that I have an optimistic approach to things and I do not encourage violence or revenge is something that adds more of white to my behaviour.

White can also be plain and boring at times, just like me, but white will always be there when someone needs to feel calm and needs any support. White won't let go easily because there’s a sense of purity, a sense of mental clarity and that sets it apart from every other colour.

These are the things that make me feel like ‘White is Me and I am White.'

What makes me feel 'A Particular Colour'?

Rutvi Kanadia

Imagine living in a colourless world. It's impossible to imagine and even more difficult to describe it. Primitive thought would be everything will be black and white but irony is we are using colours to describe a colourless world.

Thank god our's isn't a colourless world.

Presence of colours is the best thing we have been bestowed with. Colours evoke all kinds of feelings in every living creature from being dejected to being elated. The bright yellow rays of sun re-energizes us for a new day while a cloudy day makes us want to sleep in our cozy bed. Seeing light at the end of a never ending tunnel ends the despair of darkness and lights the flames of hope.

Colours give a new perspective on how we look at different things. Arrival of seasons is indicated by colours. Even seeing the colours of the walls of your room makes us feel warm and comfortable.

How a person perceives a particular colour is very subjective. I'm sure everyone has his/her favourite already. But I think even the environment in which colours exist can influence our perception and emotions.

For instance, are you a beach or mountain person?  Some might find solace in the white snowy mountains while for some swimming in a blue wavy sea can act as a stressbuster.

To tell you about me, I personally detest the colour green. I would definitely refrain from choosing a green colour wear! But greenery in nature makes me feel alive, being surrounded by lush green trees, undulating hills covered in a green blanket, running through the fields with grass tickling my feet makes my heart filled with satisfaction and acts as a stress buster .It surely is a healing process. Even imagining this picturesque nature makes my heart overwhelmed. I know it’s mostly the oxygen working here but the presence of green vindicates the presence of oxygen and that assurance acts as a multiplier of emotions.

On the other hand, even leafy vegetables are green but lucrative colourful food makes my mouth water more than a green vegetable. 

 Every colour contributes a unique set of moods and emotions to a person's life. Thinking of red reminds of valentine, love, hearts, but the same red when placed before a bull evokes anger in him. Feeling of longing for a bright sky after a day of raining cats and dogs is a feeling of yellow. Blushing on hearing your crush's name is the feeling of pink -feeling of being cute.

Every colour is adored by us in solidarity and also in combination. 

The feeling of witnessing the splashing of different colours in the canvas of sky makes us so elated.

Staring at the stars in the night sky, can you imagine a black and white combination more beautiful than this?

Rare glimpse of the rainbow makes my heart vibrant, dissipates my worries and I wish nothing but to admire this beautiful sight and the happiness it spreads.

Even the presence of colour stimulates our senses. When everything in the mountains is covered under fog but you can still feel the beauty of mountains.  People with impaired vision also feel the colour although they don't see it. Softness of the leaves gives a feeling of green, freshness after bathing gives the feeling of blue and the spicy taste makes our cheeks red.

Yes I can't describe a colourless world for you but I'm sure it would be boring and monotonous. With the pandemic our life has also pretty much turned stressful and monotonous or let's just say colourless.

Do you remember the childhood game "colour colour which colour?" Let's play that game again, let's run to  discover new colours and new adventures.

Just as a white ray scatters into vibrant colours when it is passed through a prism, let the beautiful feelings that a colour evokes in you be reflected in everyone's life around you.

What makes Me feel Pink?

Pranjal Tawde

Colours have emotions, feelings, joy, grief, everything. They don’t just attract our eyes but our souls too. Colours add happiness to one’s life and miserability to others. It brings energy to some and lethargy to else. It guides an individual’s success in life and blinds one’s life with darkness. It although doesn’t specifically has the power to rise or destroy anything in life, but still its presence in certain walks of our lives defines our fate as well as trouble.

Just like the freshness of a red rose delights a lover’s heart, the dearth of the red blood in an anaemic gets that individual into trauma. No doubt it is that same red but it doesn’t always depicts love and happiness sometimes that same red is a sign of anger and danger as well. So, it made me realise that proverb which says ‘All that glitters is not gold’ in the same course all that’s red is not love.

By this time we might have got the message that colours do play a part in fact a vital role in each individual’s life. Yet, there are some weird thoughts mingling in my mind which I’m thinking of presenting it to you, it might be queer but it is what it is. The society approaches white as a colour of peace and harmony, nevertheless we see people opting white on the person’s death anniversary. If this is the case why do Catholics marry in white gowns when the fact is that it is approached for harmony in one’s life and not inauspicious events like the death among Indians. So, these were the connotation of a same colour with regards to different culture. Another thing is that purple symbolises sorrow in Thailand and black for Roman Pope. Each culture has their own norms and perspective of viewing each colour as per their thoughts on civilization. However, there are some omen thoughts like yellow is associated with intelligence and must opted by school kids, black as a corporate world and white as peace.

However, what does a particular colour means to me as an individual is pink. You might say pink is a feminist choice and the writer is a female so she chose pink. But, let me tell you pink colour is not just for girls or girly things and feminism, even males do opt for pink and there’s nothing in regards with gender when it comes to colour but it is just the societal thought as I mentioned above regarding white. The western world has labelled it as pink in context with female. Well, historically pink was seen as a masculine colour, while girls often wore white and blue. Young boy in pink, American school of painting (about 1840). In fact, pink was even considered to be a masculine colour. In old catalogues and books, pink was the colour for little boys. The reason is that pink being a decided and stronger colour is more suitable for the boy.  It was believed that pink had slightly masculine aspect as a diminutive of red," which was thought to be a "warlike" colour. Yet, it also means light romance, love, kindness. Pink being a combination of white and red I think one gets the vibes to both the colours before pink. It’s light tone not just brings warmth and generosity but a calm and friendly vibe. It is also a symbol of AIDS. It is a colour that resonates with us and reveals in a subconscious level our real personality. Although it is youthful in appearance, it might make me vulnerable at times.
As it is said, ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth' in that course of action itself, too much pinkie tends to see the world through rose-coloured glasses which sometimes leads to undefined threats. It also makes me lack self-confidence at times and seek others attention like a kindergarten child which is actually so kiddish.

The pink shades includes the magenta, maroon, baby pink, light pink, inky pinkie pink, purplish pink, rose pink, dark pink and many more shades to pink.

Who forgets the strawberries and cherries when it comes to pink and the national flower ‘LOTUS' ; they all are associated with the colour pink that also means fortune  and money flow in context with the lotus flower that is offered to Goddess Laxmi. Pink colour indeed has different viewpoints and perspective when it comes to defining its feeling and emotions to an individual.

Henceforth, whether it is pink, red, white or any random colour each colour is unique and beautiful and looks great in its own way. But, one thing we must say is that it should not define us, need we must define them. Just like the western world has already accepted pink for men’s too and there’s no more judgemental thoughts put up when a male wears that colour indeed it is welcomed as a versatile colour. We must too be the same not let such things define our life, thoughts, actions, words or what so ever even our career paths. Let us welcome pink as a versatile vibe in the corporate world too, even though men prefer to wear them. Let’s try to define pink as a unisex colour rather than a feminist’s choice.

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